117th mahrattasの例文
- In 1922, the 117th Mahrattas became the 5th Battalion 5th Mahratta Light Infantry.
- Delamain was also Colonel of the 117th Mahrattas from 28 October 1921 until he reached the age limit, being replaced by Major-General R . C . Wilson on 18 February 1932.
- Townshend's diversionary force of the Dorset Regiment and the 117th Mahrattas which was supposed to distract the Ottoman forces instead ended taking the entire weight on the Ottoman counter-attack, which at times came close to crushing the Anglo-Indian force.
- During the ceremony, the Deccan Horse, 3rd Sappers and Miners, 6th Jat Light Infantry, 34th Sikh Pioneers, 39th Garhwal Rifles, 59th Scinde Rifles ( Frontier Force ), 117th Mahrattas, and 5th Gurkha Rifles ( Frontier Force ), were honoured with title of " Royal " in recognition of the distinguished services and gallantry of the Indian Army during the Great War ".